An international legal battle over rights to 47-year-old fictional character Juan Valdez and his mule escalated this year when Costa Rica’s leading gourmet coffee...
Approximately 500 coffee industry leaders came to San José this week for the 20th annual International Coffee Week (SINTERCAFÉ) to look at the future...
In an escalating international legal battle over rights to a 47-year-old fictional character and his mule, Costa Rica’s leading gourmet coffee exporter says allegations...
When not even the terms latte, cappuccino and espresso are enough, you have to dig deeper into the dictionary of coffee:
“Frappa Cappuccino”, “El Red...
Costa Rica’s coffee harvest for the 2006-2007 season is expected to be 2% larger than the previous season’s harvest; however, exports of coffee during...
Those who rely on coffee to arouse the comatose zombie within might be interested to know that Canadian research has revealed a genetic predisposition...