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Pandemic tensions revive protests in Latin America

Long confinements and widespread pessimism in Latin America due to the advance of the coronavirus and the economic debacle have fueled tensions, which in some cases are beginning to turn into protests.

Costa Rica coronavirus updates for Saturday, July 18

Here is the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information from Costa Rica as of Saturday, July 18.

Garabito, El Guarco will be under Yellow Alert starting next week

The cantons of Garabito and El Guarco will be under a Yellow Alert starting Monday — not an Orange Alert as originally announced.

Panamanian doctors protest amid explosion of coronavirus cases

Panamanian doctors increased their protests, demanding supplies and additional personnel to attend the coronavirus pandemic that Thursday exceeded 50,000 infected people.

Costa Rica eases vehicle restrictions starting Monday and for remainder of July

The National Emergency Commission (CNE) on Friday announced changes to Costa Rica's driving restrictions

Costa Rica coronavirus updates for July 17, 2020

Here is the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information from Costa Rica as of Friday, July 17.

Costa Rica passes law creating more long weekends through 2024

President Carlos Alvarado signed a law that creates more long weekends to boost Costa Rica travel and tourism through 2024.

Costa Rica coronavirus updates for July 16, 2020

Here is the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) information from Costa Rica as of Thursday, July 16.

Unemployment in Costa Rica reaches 20.1%, the highest in its history, in midst of pandemic

Unemployment in Costa Rica reached 20.1% from March to May 2020, marking the highest-recorded level of that economic indicator, the official statistical agency announced Thursday.

President Carlos Alvarado reduces salary in the face of economic crisis

The president's announcement came as the Legislative Assembly discussed a government proposal to cut 15% of the government's highest wages, including those of lawmakers.

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