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Nativity scenes, funk music, and other happenings around Costa Rica

A roundup of events taking place Dec. 19 – 25.

VIDEO: Fans weather rain to celebrate Festival de la Luz

Spectators numbered in the thousands, crowding the sidewalks for miles.

No sign is too small when picking lottery numbers in Costa Rica

People all over San José are flexing their numerology to find the right combination of tickets to win the year’s biggest lottery jackpot, the Gordo Navideño, worth more than $2.6 million.

VIDEO: Marine Corps wraps gifts for its first Toys for Tots program

This month’s initiative is called “Juguetes Para Niños,” the Spanish equivalent of Toys for Tots. Taking their cue from their U.S. predecessors, the 50 members of the Marine Corps of Costa Rica have started their first-ever toy drive.

Festival of Light, Egyptian dancers, and other happenings around Costa Rica

A roundup of events taking place Dec. 12 – 18.

Holiday market offers new forum for old-fashioned shopping

Today marks the launch of the fourth-annual Tropical Market, or Mercado Tropical,at the Casa del Cuño outside of the Antigua Aduana in San José – providing an ideal place to shop for Christmas gifts and spend time with family and friends.

Bullfights, punk bands, and other happenings around Costa Rica

A roundup of events taking place Dec. 5 – 11.

Christmas-themed theater warms hearts this month

Central America is light on snow and brick chimneys, but stories of Santa and Scrooge have saturated Costa Rican culture, and there is no shortage of holiday-themed theater.

Christmas cheer, oxcart parades, and other happenings around Costa Rica

A roundup of events taking place Nov. 28 – Dec. 4.

Traffic Police to launch roadway checkpoints during pre-holiday season

A total of 386 checkpoints throughout the country are part of a Traffic Police effort to prevent accidents before and during the holidays. Traffic Police Director Mario Calderón said that operations would begin this week and target the busiest roads in the Central Valley, where traffic jams usually occur while people are out doing holiday shopping.

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