Despite high crime, murder rates, persistent poverty and income inequality, Latin America and one of its most troubled regions, Central America, reported the highest...
Alexander Leudo Nieves, a Colombian man who the U.S. government accuses of having links to an international drug trafficking cartel, could be released this month from a minimum-security prison in Costa Rica, where he is serving a seven-year sentence on drug-related charges.
Five people handling the migrants, who were from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, were arrested, an official in the prosecutor's office told AFP.
The isthmus connecting North and South America continues to lead the world in murder rates, with four of the top five rates in the world in Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador and Belize.
In its toughest move yet to eradicate illegal fishing, the European Union on Monday blacklisted Belize, effectively banning the country's products from the world's most valuable seafood market.
The European Union plans to offer Latin America 2.5 billion euros ($3.4 billion) in development aid over the next seven years to fund projects ranging from security to education.
Dwindling defense budgets have been a boon to drug trafficking networks in Latin America as U.S. intelligence and interdiction assets in the Caribbean have been pared down, the top U.S. commander responsible for the region said Thursday.
PANAMA CITY – The economies of Central America will grow an average of 3.5 percent this year, half a point more than that estimated for Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
While Costa Rica remains Central America’s top tourist destination, the region’s six other countries are vying to lure tourists and increase revenues by aggressively investing in airports, cruise-ship facilities, hotels and other tourism infrastructure. Here's a comprehensive rundown.