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animal cruelty

Signature collection for animal welfare bill referendum set for July

Animal rights groups in July will begin collecting signatures across the country to approve a referendum in which citizens would vote on an animal welfare bill imposing stricter sanctions for animal cruelty.

Lawmakers, citizen groups keep up fight for animal welfare bill

A bill that seeks to establish prison time for animal abuse faces an uncertain future after several lawmakers filibustered voting on the law last week by filing over 70 motions against it.

Animal Welfare Bill could be discussed in Legislative Assembly this week

A bill that would set stricter punishment, including prison time, for animal cruelty could be discussed in the Legislative Assembly this week.

Costa Rica moves to set prison sentences for animal cruelty

The Legislative Assembly's environmental affairs committee approved the long-awaited Animal Welfare Bill on Thursday. Now it must face a full vote.

Beleaguered SeaWorld admits workers spied on animal-rights activists

PETA said last year that SeaWorld San Diego worker Paul McComb had been a double agent inside the organization and "seemed to be trying to incite confrontational and illegal actions against SeaWorld and distract from SeaWorld's own wrongdoing and smear people that may reflect poorly on our cause." SeaWorld executives said Thursday that McComb, who was suspended during the uproar last summer, is still an employee at the company.

Lawmakers threaten to filibuster animal welfare bill with more than 200 motions

At the start of his term in 2014, President Luis Guillermo Solís promised that getting legislation passed to improve animal welfare in Costa Rica would be a priority for his administration.

Animal rights activists protest against Tico-style bullfights

Dozens of animal rights activists gathered during the opening of the Zapote festival, east of San José, to protest against one of the celebration’s main event: Tico-style bullfights.

Animal abuse reports on the rise

With just over two weeks left of the year, reports of animal abuse have already surpassed by 15 percent those recorded last year, the National Animal Health Service (SENASA) reported Friday.

Costa Rica utility company helps protect wildlife along 250 km of power lines

The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) reported that in the past 24 months invested ₡250 million ($460,000) in wildlife protection measures mostly to avoid animals from dying by electrical discharges when trying to cross using power lines.

Rescuers free dogs, birds in another puppy mill raid

Rescuers found beagles, Chihuahuas and American Staffordshire Terriers during the raid, along with 39 birds.

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