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The undoing of Gary Webb and today’s news organizations

My impression of Gary Webb was that, in addition to being a novice to tumultuous Central American politics, he was dead set on his thesis that the Contras originated the crack cocaine epidemic in the United States.

Nicaraguan migrants don’t follow other Central Americans to US, choosing Costa Rica instead

Despite being the second poorest country in the Americas after Haiti, Nicaragua is not counted among other Central American countries sending thousands of immigrants to the U.S. Instead of traveling north, Nicaraguans have been going south to Costa Rica in search of economic opportunity.

Diplomat-turned-scholar Héctor Silva exposes police corruption in El Salvador

Nearly 20 years later, journalist, diplomat and now published author Héctor Silva Ávalos still cannot get that afternoon in late 1995 out of his head.

Climate change, coral reefs, deforestation and dengue

The 21st century will present gloomy challenges for Costa Rica and the rest of Latin America, such as the collapse of wildlife habitats, animal extinction, water scarcity and the spread of disease in an already vulnerable population.

Costa Rican journalist calls for re-examination of CIA-Contra drug links, DEA agent’s murder

Lafitte Fernández claims that in the 1980s, the administration of U.S. President Ronald Reagan went into league with the largest drug traffickers of the era to ship copious quantities of cocaine through Costa Rica and El Salvador to the United States to help support the Contras.

A modern-day Fitzcarraldo of the drug world

How a high school-educated drug smuggler built a fleet of submarines – in the middle of the jungle – to ferry cocaine to the United States. It was a system straight from the mind of Lex Luthor.

Biden circles Xi as U.S. duels China for Latin America ties

Latin America's natural resources and rising middle class are prompting competition between the U.S. and China over influence in the region.

Winners and losers in Nicaragua’s ‘Grand Canal’ project

The cost of the project has been estimated at $30 billion and is likely to take over a decade to complete.

Costa Rica Cracks Down On Underground Cockfighting

Cockfighting was banned in Costa Rica in 1922. Now a group of breeders believe its time legalize again the ancient and gory sport. Seriously.

Companies Scramble To Enter Insurance Market

Advertisements for insurance companies are popping up all over Costa Rica. Company billboards along San José streets promise security and inexpensive coverage plans, television...

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Costa Rica’s Liquid Trees: A New Approach to Climate Action

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