The parties to the cases are to address two questions: whether the Constitution requires states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and whether states must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states where they are legal.
This week's historic hearing on same-sex marriage is both the logical extension and ultimate showdown in a decades-long argument that so far Anthony Kennedy has always won against Antonin Scalia.
On Tuesday morning, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court bounced a request for guidance back to lower family courts in the latest move to decide the legality of same-sex civil unions in Costa Rica.
The four highest polling candidates have all stated they would expand benefits to gay couples such as property rights, though none have advocated true legalization. Johnny Araya, José María Villalta, Otto Guevara and Luis Guillermo Solís have said they support inheritance rights, hospital visitation rights, and access to social security and medical benefits. The candidates varied on the emphasis and extent of their proposals.
In front of thousands of internet followers, the so-called "lord of native fruits" describes flavors, textures, and possible uses of rare specimens. Gian Paolo...