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Tico Times

1783 POSTS

Miskito Village Beats Grisi Siknis

KAMLA, PUERTO CABEZAS – The outbreak of an enigmatic illness that was tormenting indigenous communities with bouts of collective hysteria appears to have subsided...

Costa Rica Spanish: As the Saying Goes…

As a good friend of mine says, “Los dichos y la filosofía tienen mucha sabiduría”(Sayings and philosophy contain much wisdom). A dicho or refrán is...

Costa Rican Coffee Production Expected to Rise This Season

Costa Rican coffee production is forecast to increase by 5 percent during the 2009-2010 cycle, the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE) reported. The...

There Could Be Ways To Help Miskito Divers

Dear Nica Times: It would be interesting if The Nica Times would report in greater depth on several points that were raised in the mind...

Costa Rican coffee production expected to rise

Costa Rican coffee production is forecast to rise 5 percent during the 2009-2010 cycle, the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (ICAFE) reported. The next...

Nicaragua’s Mosquito Coast Buzzes With Rebellion

BILWI, PUERTO CABEZAS – A political showdown between indigenous separatists and the Sandinista government appears to be steaming toward a larger-scale confrontation in this...

Rainforest Alliance and Nestlé form ‘Ecolaboration’ around coffee

Rainforest Alliance and the Nestlé Nespresso Company signed the “Ecolaboration pact” on Monday, an agreement that is aimed at benefiting coffee growers in Costa...

Costa Rica’s Beauty in Mountains, Rivers Obscured by Poor Planning

Mario Vindas hates his drive to work in the morning. Sitting in his car for over an hour during his ride from Heredia to...

Gardenias Offer Beauty, Aromatherapy

There’s something special in the tropical night air when gardenias are blooming. The fragrance of Gardenia jasminoides is aromatherapy at its best, and the...

Costa Rica’s Pacuare Nature Reserve: All About Turtles

Imagine walking along a deserted beach in the moonlight and suddenly being witness to the magic of a leatherback turtle emerging from the sea,...

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