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Tico Times

36957 POSTS

Tico Elected to Top OAS Post

FORMER Costa Rican President Miguel AngelRodríguez (1998-2002) on Monday was unanimouslyelected secretary general of the Organization of AmericanStates (OAS) during the organization’s 34th GeneralAssembly,...

U.N. Donates $660,000 to Conservation Efforts Here

THE United Nations DevelopmentProgram (UNDP) has announced it willdonate $630,000 to Costa Rica to helpeliminate the use of Chlorofluorocarbons(CFC), which most scientists agree damagethe...

Spanish Expert to Provide Food for Thought on GMs

IN a conference titled “Biotechnologyfor Everyone: The Genes that We Eat,”visiting Spanish expert Daniel RamónVidal will head a discussion of foodbiotechnology at the University...

Pocosol Dam Project Controversy Continues

PRELIMINARY work on a hydroelectricdam project in the remote area ofPocosol, in the Northern Zone, was haltedafter the San Ramón MunicipalCouncil decided that the...

Chemical Fumes Prompt Massive Evacuation in Heredia

POISONOUS gases on the grounds ofthe industrial park Metro Free Zone inBarreal de Heredia, northwest of San José,prompted the evacuation of an estimated1,800 workers...

Landfill Company Sues San José Municipality

A week after a violent riot erupted in LaCarpio, the landfill company that residentshad protested announced it is suing theMunicipality of San José, and...

Landfill Employs “Environmental Technology”

EBI BERTHIER, a Canadian companythat manages the only landfill for theSan José area, is endeavoring to produceelectricity using methane gas fromthe garbage deposited there.The...

Scientists Place Transmitters on Leatherbacks

GANDOCA, Limón – Since being fittedwith a satellite transmitter nearly twoweeks ago, Purra, a large female leatherbackturtle, appears to have been content tostay near...

Pedestrian Promenade to Showcase Heredia Culture

ALREADY known as the “City ofCulture,” Heredia, 11 kilometers north ofSan José, is taking steps to make its culturalofferings more accessible and invitingwith the...

Land Dispute Continues, Campesino Support Grows

ALTHOUGH preliminary hearings toresolve the situation have not proved successful,public support continues to growfor the more than 100 campesinosinvolved in a land dispute with...

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