“Dejando Huellas” is a compilationcompact disk which allows listeners of traditionalCosta Rican rhythms to save jaguars,tapirs and macaws at the same time.The newly released...
PAINTS, violins, surfboards and microscopesare among the activities students canlearn more about during their school breaks.For the creative, scientific or even adventurouschild, groups are...
THE Rodríguez family metal workshopin La Ribera de Belén, northwest of SanJosé, buzzes with all the activity of afoundry. In fact, the welding, soldering,...
THE International Gymnas-tics Championship is scheduled at the GimnasioNacional in La Sabana, on the western edge of San José June 11-13, bringing with it275...
Thousands of tourists flock here tosee birds every year. From the tiny volcanohummingbird to the statuesqueresplendent quetzal, Costa Rica’s birdsare stars of the international...
THERE’S Alegría in Alajuela. TheCarpe Diem Theater is back after a three-monthbreak with weekend performancesof their lively, colorful, swinging andrhythmic musicals.The entire theater moved...
RAIN has fallenthroughout the countrylast week andthere are no reports ofany fishing at Barradel Colorado on theCaribbean coast.According toboat operators on thenorthern Pacificcoast, rains...
Becoming a resident of Costa Rica may soonbecome difficult for foreign retirees who aren’twell-to-do by this country’s standards.A bill being discussed on the floor...
A 100-hectare landfill in Liberia, the capital of thenorthwestern province of Guanacaste, may soon bereduced by 85% after the installation of a machine itspromoters...