MADRID (AFP) – The Spanish CivilGuard announced Tuesday that a policeoperation in Madrid and Valencia hasrecovered 228 pieces of pre-Columbianarcheological artifacts that were smuggledout...
GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) – TheGuatemalan government this weekannounced it will attempt to repatriate 40Guatemalan families that have been livingin Bolivia as war refugees since...
GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) – Thegovernment this week proposed beginningfree-trade negotiations with Belizeas an effort to improve strained relationscaused by an ongoing border conflictbetween the...
TEGUCIGALPA (AFP) – TheHonduran government this week started anew national registry of legal weapons aspart of a campaign to combat violence.“We are inaugurating, for...
SAN SALVADOR (AFP) – With twoweeks to go before the government’s provisionaland highly controversial anti-ganglaw expires July 2, new PresidentAntonio Saca has already started...
MANAGUA – The NationalUniversity Council agreed Wednesdaynight to call off the 24-day student strike,following the government’s offer toincrease next year’s proposed educationbudget by an...
MANAGUA – The MetropolitanVivian Pellas Hospital, a $23 million privatehealth facility billed as the most modernand best-equipped hospital in CentralAmerica, was inaugurated last week.The...
GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) –President Oscar Berger Tuesday eveninggracefully negotiated a ceasefire with thousandsof protesting workers, students andindigenous who earlier that day blockedmajor highways and...
GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) –Embattled banker Francisco Alvarado, afriend of former President Alfonso Portillo(2000-2004), was arrested Tuesday onsuspicion of fraud, according to governmentsources.Alvarado, who was...
MANY of Costa Rica’s PhotographyClub members are not even professionalphotographers, but judging from the strikingwork on display in San José’s Casa deCultura the photographers...