AGREEMENTS and contractsbetween tourism providers and wholesalers– travel agents who prepare packagedeals – during the 20th annualTourism Negotiation Exchange (EXPOTUR),which concluded last week, surpassed$110 million, according to eventorganizer the Costa Rican Association ofTourism Professionals (ACOPROT).More than 200 tourism wholesalersfrom North America, South Americaand Europe took part in the event (TT,May 28).ACOPROT estimated that 96.7% ofinternational tourism wholesalers thattook part in the event were able to closedeals with participating tourismproviders. In all, it is estimated that morethan 200,000 contracts were signed.The preliminary results are based ona survey conducted following the first oftwo days of negotiating meetings. Thefinal results will not be available untilseveral months from now, accordingACOPROT.“EXPOTUR, from every point ofview, was a success. In terms of sales,there was a significant increase comparedto the previous year,” explainedACOPROT president Manuel Carranza.“The most important thing for us is that,just 24 hours after the event had ended,100 stands had already been reserved forEXPOTUR 2005.