FULL of pop culture and fairy tale references, the much anticipatedfilm “Shrek 2,” debuting in Costa Rican movietheaters today, proves as funny and clever...
ISLA CHIRA, Puntarenas – CabinaAmistad, well-hidden from the gravel roadby thick woods, is easily accessible by ashort path. The cabin in Isla Chira, a...
FISHING hasbeen nothing less thansensational along thePacific coast. Acrossthe country, at Barradel Colorado, therains that plagued thenorthern Caribbeanregion were gone lastweekend, replacedwith sunny skies...
FLAMINGO, Guanacaste – Yellow signs havebeen posted stamping the marina “closed.” Coast Guardofficials stand watch to make sure no one uses thewaters against court...
THE Constitutional Chamber of the SupremeCourt (Sala IV) has ruled that the Costa RicanCustoms Office violated the Constitution by allowingtons of shark fins to...
The administration of President Abel Pachecothis week attempted to discredit a highlycritical report from the Ombudsman’s Officethat calls for greater transparency and accountabilityin government.Pacheco...
AMID congratulations and praise for his recent electionas secretary general of the Organization of AmericanStates (OAS), former Costa Rican President Miguel AngelRodríguez (1998-2002) yesterday...
MANAGUA – After months of anticipationand hype, a new canopy ziplinetour traversing the Tiscapa volcaniclagoon in the capital is off to an inauspiciousbeginning.The Tiscapa...
MASAYA, Nicaragua – Former internationalboxing champion Ricardo “ElMatador” Mayorga was unable to attendhis scheduled title-bout promotional pressconference in New York City on Mondaybecause of...