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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Former Labor Minister Announces Presidential Bid

FORMER Labor Minister VíctorMorales (1998-2002) on Wednesdayannounced his intention to run forPresident during the 2006 Presidentialelections as a candidate of the rulingSocial Christian Unity Party.Morales is the first member of Unityto officially announce he will seek theparty’s nomination.Morales said his aim is to “renovate andbring change to Social Christian Unity,” aparty which, analysts say, will have lostmuch of its appeal by the time the 2006elections begin. The party has held the presidencyfor two consecutive terms – formerPresident Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (1998-2002) and President Abel Pacheco, whowill step down in May 2006.


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