According to the Costa Rica Security Fund (CCSS) those who are not vaccinated against covid-19 and go to the hospital for Covid require about twice as many days of hospitalization to recover than those who have been hospitalized for Covid and already have been vaccinated.
According to the statistical analysis those who had not been vaccinated against covid-19 required an average stay of 23.9 days, while those who had already received at least one dose or better yet had already been fully vaccinated required only 15.2 days and 12.7 days respectively.
“Regarding the average length of stay, there are differences in the average length of stay of patients who have a fully vaccinated versus those who are not vaccinated or who are vaccinated but not yet immunized,” said Susana Lopez Delgado.
She added that for the purposes of this study, an incomplete or partial immunization is considered to be that which is equal to or greater than 15 days from the date of the first dose and up to 14 or less days after getting the second dose. While fully vaccinated means equal to or greater than 15 days after getting the second dose.
This study also took into consideration that many of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated patients had no underlying conditions other than covid-19; that is to say, they had no other risk factors such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, smoking or asthma, which, in combination of getting the Covid-19 virus leads to a higher probability of having to be hospitalized.
The study seems to conclude that vaccines against covid-19 currently being applied by the CCSS are showing their ability in reducing the risk of suffering severe complications and reducing the risk of death from covid-19.