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Monthly Archives: January, 2015

Police arrest suspect carrying marijuana-based medicine and other pharmaceuticals at Nicaraguan border

The 12,428 tablets, pills, vials and other items the 39-year-old suspect carried included amoxicillin, tetracycline, and diclofenac, among others.

Mexican police detained over journalist’s kidnapping

A group of police officers was detained Monday in the Mexican state of Veracruz in connection with the kidnapping of a journalist who reported on drug violence, investigators said.

Costa Rica Culture: The Boruca ‘Little Devils’ Game

A shirtless man stands at the top of a gravel dirt road clutching a conch shell in both of his hands. He pushes the spiral shell to his mouth and it emits a deep, trumpeting call. The sound, which marks the beginning of the last day of the traditional Juego de los Diablitos, reverberates through the village

The Real Secret of Costa Rica: Grapes and MacGyver

I have seen aspects of Costa Rica that are unflattering, exasperating, and downright infuriating, but there is an unruffled approach to life that does seem rather mysterious, and that I think has gradually worked its way into my bones over the years. What’s in the water?

Looking back: A microscopic wasp and other amazing Costa Rica wildlife stories

We decided to use this month’s Into the Wild to take a look back at the three most insane wildlife stories of 2014.

Why San José’s epic traffic jams are also an opportunity

Smart spending choices are a national tradition. So it’s not only sensible, but very Costa Rican, to ask whether spending $485 million on expanding a highway for a system of travel only accessible to the only 18.8 percent of Costa Ricans who own a car is money well spent.

Costa Rica out of Top Ethical Destinations 2015 list

For the second year in row, Costa Rica has been left off the “World’s 10 Best Ethical Destinations” list posted by the Ethical Traveler Foundation.

10 ways life in Costa Rica has been transformed, and you didn’t even notice

Over the last five years, Costa Rica has been transformed in some small ways we now take for granted. Living here will never be the same again. This list is a tribute to change, innovation, and the men and women in Costa Rica who make it happen.

Meet Costa Rica’s first hotel made from shipping containers

If the commercials and hype are to be believed, Costa Rica has an eco-friendly reputation to maintain. This, hypothetically, should stem from all aspects of society, and at least one hotel is especially taking the green message to heart with the development of El Faro Beach Hotel in Manuel Antonio.

Guatemalan coffee exporters hope 2015 will bring better news

Guatemalan coffee growers, devastated by a fungus known as roya that rots the leaves of coffee plants, must “learn to live” with the killer disease. That’s the sad conclusion of Julio Ligorría, Guatemala’s ambassador to the United States, speaking Wednesday to The Tico Times.

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