AT press time, yet another tropicalstorm, this one dubbed Beta, was threateningthe east coast of Central America;the U.S. National Storm Center had predictedthe storm would become a hurricanetoday, entering Nicaraguan territorySunday, according to wire serviceACAN-EFE, with heavy rains expectedin Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras.Costa Rica’s National EmergencyCommission issued yellow alerts (moderaterisk) for the entire Caribbean slope,Northern Zone and central mountain districtof Orosí, where the National MeteorologicalInstitute forecasts moderate tostrong rain and strong wind at least throughTuesday. The CNE issued a green alert inthe Central Valley and maintains its previously issued yellow and red alerts on theembattled Pacific coast, where most of themore than 2,000 evacuees of last week’sfloods (TT, Oct. 21) have returned homefrom their stays in temporary shelters.