THREE artists, three nationalities,three visions. British-born Deirdre Hydejoins U.S. citizen Vimala Joan Martha andCosta Rican Carmel Montoya in Trilogy,for what promises to be a fascinating mix ofthese established but very different artists’latest work. From piratical graffiti to delicatespiritual collages or colorful intricaciesin beaded jewelry, the multi-national artistsare presenting the expressions of their chosenart forms at the Museo CalderónGuardia starting Dec. 9th.After Hyde’s successful one-womanshow titled “Oda Al Agua” (Ode ToWater) in June, 2004, she continues withthe nautical themes she explored then.“On my various trips to Cocos Island,I have always been fascinated by theinscriptions left on the rocks over the yearsby pirates, whalers and other voyagers,”she said.“I have made rubbings of theseinscriptions and present them here. Theyspeak to us of the mysterious past of thisfar-flung speck of land that offered a briefhaven for the ocean’s adventurers.”Hyde’s personal experience of CostaRica’s legendary “Treasure Island” isalmost as exotic. Invited back in 1979 toform part of a small group of offbeatadventurers to live the remote uninhabitedisland for six months “just to see whathappens,” she not only survived, living onrice and beans and spring water, she grewto love this unique sanctuary and has lobbiedfor its protection ever since.VIMALA Joan Martha draws on theexperience of her 35-year artistic careerand practice of yoga to synthesize color,texture and symbolism into rich collages,reminiscent of the Eastern meditative toolsof Mandala and Yantra. The smaller, moreintimate format helps the viewer focus onthe peace and simplicity of the compositions,affirming her intention to offer“food for the spirit”.New York and Boston-trained JoanMartha moved to Costa Rica in the 1970s,teaching painting and drawing at theUniversity of Costa Rica for many years,but has exhibited in Europe, NorthAmerica and Argentina.Carmel Montoya was born in CostaRica and took her Fine Arts degree in theUnited States, specializing in jewelry.Having taught her craft around the worldfor over 25 years and creating her one-ofa-kind pieces, Montoya assures her customers,“You won’t find your next-doorneighbor wearing the same thing!”She considers her creations to be“small wearable sculpture” because theycan as easily adorn your body as theycould decorate a wall. Her original necklaces,earrings and bracelets in metal,enamel and beadwork complete thisTrilogy that can be seen through Jan. 14.All work is for sale.
Today in Costa Rica