MANAGUA – In the final days ofcampaigning before Sunday’s municipalelections, major polls are suggesting theSandinista National Liberation Front willmaintain control of the coveted mayor’sseat in Managua.An M& R Consultants poll releasedMonday reinforced other recent polls suggestingSandinista candidate Dionisio“Nicho” Marenco will win the Nov. 7 electionsin Managua with 34% of the vote.In second place is Liberal ConstitutionalParty challenger Pedro JoaquínChamorro (son of ex-President VioletaBarrios de Chamorro), with 23%, Alliancefor the Republic candidate AlejandroFiallos (16.4%) and Liberal IndependentParty candidate Edén Pastora (4%).The poll, which claims a 2.8% marginof error, also indicates 20.5% of thepopulation does not identify with anycandidate