THE National Concessions Council(CNC) has received bids from seveninternational consortiums competing for acontract to build the Metropolitan ElectricTrain (TREM) project.The consortiums are made up of companiesfrom Costa Rica, other LatinAmerican countries and Europe.The train would connect San José tofive areas to the north, Heredia, SanPablo, Santo Domingo, Goicoechea, andTibás. Construction is slated to begin inearly 2006.The massive project requires a totalinvestment of $140 million, according toRocío Aguilar, technical secretary of theconcessions council. The company thatwins the contract is expected to provide$50 million with the state supplying theremaining $90 million, financed by internationalloans.The council, part of the Ministry ofPublic Works and Transport (MOPT), hasformed an evaluation committee that isdetermining the admissibility of the sevenbids on technical, legal and environmentalgrounds. Once a firm has been decidedupon, the council will send the contract tothe Comptroller General’s Office for finalauthorization.A statement from the council listedthe reduction of pollution and traffic congestion,as well as a safe and easy commutefor customers, as some of the benefitsTREM would bring people, particularlythose who commute between SanJosé and Heredia, capital of the northernprovince of the same name.
Today in Costa Rica