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HomeArchiveFishing on Both Coasts at All-Time High

Fishing on Both Coasts at All-Time High

TWO daysfishing on theCaribbean and oneday on the Pacificby Florida anglerRobert Claxtonand his partner isindicative of theway fishing hasbeen going on bothcoasts this month.They fished outof the Río ColoradoLodge in northwest Costa Rica for twodays, battling more tarpon than they couldkeep track of both days, then headed forthe west coast for some blue-water fishingon the Wetass II, and in only one day, skipperSonny Kocsis reports they released 21sailfish and a dorado.That report was echoed in an e-mail wereceived Sunday from Tampa, Florida,angler Lee Nelson who fished the RíoColorado lodge with a couple of friendsabout the same time and reports that in twodays they jumped an estimated 60 tarpon.“I don’t recall how many we released,but by the second day I could barely raisemy arms,” Nelson said, adding that hisfishing buddy Christian O’Ryan broughtin one tarpon estimated by the guide atmore than 200 pounds – the largest he hadseen in more than 18 years fishing thereand might have exceeded the Costa Ricatarpon record of 207 pounds.The billfish action on the Pacific coast,unprecedented for this time of year, continuessouth to Quepos where Carib Sea operatorDennis Arnold reports that KarenNash and four friends released 12 sails andfour bull dorado last Sunday.FISHING the same central coastalregion from Los Sueños Marina, JudyKieldsen reports that Ted Sohn and partyfrom North Carolina went seven releasesfor 12 raised, along with six yellowfin tunaand a dorado, aboard the Sailfish, out ofLos Sueños Marina. The sails were estimatedat 70-120 pounds each.The day before, Stephanie Lee raised60 sailfish with 22 releases, which isincredible in that area for October. Fishingnormally peaks on the central coast inDecember and January, Kieldsen said.Río Colorado Lodge operator DanWise said that Moñgi Yoichi and five otheranglers from Japan who are in the tacklebusiness hooked more than 200 tarpon lastweek, with 80 to the boat, and introduced anew lure to the area.Most tarpon are caught on heavy ordeep running lures like the Ghost Hawkand Rapala, but they were testing a verylarge surface popper and had 20 strikes,much to the amazement of guides who arenot accustomed to seeing the silver rocketshit a lure on the surface, Wise said.To my surprise and consternation, wenever get reports from any of the otherlodges on the Caribbean coast, but have toassume all are enjoying similar action.For more info on fishing or assistance inplanning a trip to Costa Rica, contact Jerryat orvisit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Call orfax: 282-6743 if calling from Costa Rica, orthrough the e-mail address above.

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