GRANADA, Nicaragua – A moderateearthquake woke Nicaraguans earlySaturday morning, frightening thousandsof people out into the streets.The 5.1-magnitude quake, whichoccurred at 2:01 a.m. on Oct. 2, did notcause any serious damage or reportedinjuries, but was felt throughout most ofthe country. The epicenter was nearPuerto Sandino, 40 miles northwest ofManagua.The quake caused panic in Managua,which was leveled by a 6.2-quake in1972. Thousands of people fled into thestreets, and many appeared too scared togo back inside when the quake was over,opting instead to spend the rest of nightoutside.Several capital residents who survivedthe ’72 quake told The Tico Timesthis week that Saturday morning’s quakefelt similarly strong to them, and that itwas the most intense tremor they had feltin several years.
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