Anglers at Barradel Colorado on theCaribbean coast enjoyedblue skies andflat seas, even outsidethe river mouth, atBarra Colorado lastSaturday and tarponaction there has beensteady. I will be on aflight to Barra Mondaymorning to joinJoe Werner, an oldfriend from California.Mr. and Mrs. C.E. O’Connor, fromFlorida, had three tarpon to the gaff Friday,and during their three-day trip jumped 25and had six to the boat long enough to getphotos, according to Rio Colorado Lodgeoperator Dan Wise. Wise said the SilverKing and Casamar Lodges are closed.Apparently, there is no change on thePacific coast, with skippers reporting idealconditions and a steady bite on sailfish,marlin, tuna and dorado, only 20 minutesrun off Cabo Vela. A lot of tuna are running40-50 pounds and a few wahoo arebeing caught every day as well.We don’t hear a lot about wahoo, butthey are my favorite ocean fish to catchand are also one of the best to eat. Thestreamlined rockets are the fastest fish inthe ocean. While I have tangled with somemore than 50 pounds when fishing thelong-range boats off Baja many years ago,I have never seen one here more than 18 or20 pounds, though I suspect there are somebig ones here as well. Like barracuda, theyhave a fearsome set of teeth.I received a disturbing e-mail fromStanley Chao, who read The Tico Timescolumn after six nights at Nicuesa Lodgeon the Osa Peninsula in the southern zone,fishing for snapper. It amplifies the needfor fishery regulation.On a full-day charter, fishing only forsnapper, Chao said he had only two“maybe” bites and in five more days fishingthe gulf in a kayak and surfing, he onlycaught a couple pargo to five pounds.We commented in this column after mylast visit there some months ago about theinfestation of long lines, with baited hooksless than a foot apart spreading for milesinshore, virtually curtaining the peninsulaand killing anything that swims for thecommercial market.When will the Costa Rican governmentwake up and establish some regulations tosave the sportfishing industry which bringsso much to our country?The Tico Times reader Ernie Tetreaultwrites that he has a friend looking to movehere in a few months and wants to bring a45-foot yacht in need of extensive work.He’s looking for a haul-out for someonethat can do extensive hull and deck repairs,swap the engines and do other work.I only know of my neighbor, the legendaryPete Magee, but Magee only worksin fiberglass, not wooden boats. If anyoneknows who might help this gentlemen, callTetreault at 454-1781 or e-mail at more info on fishing or assistance inplanning a trip to Costa Rica, contact Jerryat orvisit www.costaricaoutdoors.comSkippers, operators and anglers areinvited to e-mail or call Jerry with fishingreports by Wednesday of each week. Call orfax 282-6743 if calling from Costa Rica, orthrough the e-mail address above.
Today in Costa Rica