Manuel Antonio, nestled along Costa Rica's stunning Central Pacific Coast, is a destination that effortlessly blends natural beauty with thrilling adventures. From the world-renowned...
Jacó needs a moniker. I propose “The Biggest Little City in Costa Rica.”
Really. Jacó’s population is only around 12,000, but the nonstop activity that...
When the Spanish conquistadors stumbled into Masaya Volcano in the 16th century, they were horrified by what they found: a lunar basin with a...
Casey Halloran, the CEO of Costa Rican Vacations, recently conducted a poll of some of Costa Rica's top travel-industry professionals in order to gauge sentiment...
The Costa Rican Social Security System, or Caja, which oversees the country’s socialized health care system, released a warning Friday asking parents of young children to bump up their vaccination schedule before traveling to popular U.S. destinations like Disneyland.
A study released this week by the Public Services Regulatory Authority found that 57 of Costa Rica’s 348 gas stations last year failed to fully comply with technical regulations for selling fuel. That means that more than 16 percent of gas stations failed at least one of the national regulations on quality and quantity.
Tourists who thought they were heading home after their vacation to Costa Rica this morning found out that they were getting at least one more day in paradise.
NEW YORK – Tens of millions of U.S. residents from New Jersey to the Canadian border braced themselves Monday for a ferocious blizzard that New York's mayor warned could be one of the worst in history.