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A Costa Rican Sloth’s Journey from Electrocution to Freedom

Wild sloths are common in Costa Rica and are normally great at surviving on their own, but with habitat encroachment on the rise, their...

Costa Rica’s Sloth Conservation: Overcoming adversity

We here at the Toucan Rescue Ranch receive many baby sloths for a variety of reasons. All of them are orphans who have either lost...

Sloths in Costa Rica – Just hanging out

Bon Jovi is a sloth that had illegally been sold as a pet. 

In Costa Rica, A Mom and baby sloth are reunited

“We found a baby sloth,” they said.

A baby sloth is born in Costa Rica

For this story, we're going all the way back to 2014. When Sam Trull put her hands on the belly of the mother sloth she...

The Incredible Grip of Sloths: How Their Claws Keep Them Hanging On

With their long claws and strong muscles, sloths have a powerful grip. Their bodies are so conditioned to hanging from branches that dead sloths have been found still suspended from the branch they were climbing on.

Bringing Oro back into the Costa Rican wild

How many of you remember Oro the two-fingered sloth? No? Don’t worry, we will refresh everyone’s memory. Oro was rescued in February of 2016. He...

The Slow Metabolism of Sloths: Nature’s Masters of Patience

Sloths aren't known for moving fast, but their metabolism is also pretty slow.

Sloths: Surprisingly Strong Swimmers

When most people think of sloths, they picture slow-moving creatures hanging from tree branches, barely moving as they conserve energy in the tropical forests...

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