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Costa Rica coffee cashing in despite drop in exports

The value of Costa Rican coffee exports increased 11 percent — an additional $30 million — during 2015 compared to 2014.

UN Agency in Costa Rica: Calls for Eco-Approach To Coffee Fungus

The U.N. conference was held in Costa Rica and brought together policymakers from across Central America to discuss sustainable ways to keep coffee rust, or roya, at bay.

Starbucks shares decade of research with Costa Rica coffee institute

Starbucks is better known for serving coffee than growing it, but one day your latte might be made with coffee developed by the Seattle-based company here in Costa Rica.

Guatemala’s Coffee Industry Faces Crisis Amid Coffee Rust Epidemic

The government needs to wake up and smell the reality, says head of Guatemala coffee growers association.

Climate change is making coffee a risky bet for Central America

Growing coffee — a reliable staple in Central America — has become increasingly risky in recent years as climate change has caused evermore extreme weather. But farmers who take on this heightened risk are not reaping greater rewards due to a constellation of factors from volatile coffee markets to droughts to inefficient management, according to experts at Costa Rica's annual Sintercafe coffee trade conference.

Genetically modified coffee could be just around the corner

A consortium of scientists announced Thursday in Science that they've sequenced the coffee genome for the first time. By determining all of the genes that make up robusta coffee, a plant variety that accounts for about one-third of the world's consumption, they've opened the door to better breeding practices and even genetic engineering.

Despite drought, Central American coffee harvest is looking up

Central American coffee farmers have struggled with a ravenous fungus, drought and low prices for the last several years, but it looks like the 2014/2015 harvest might start to turn the corner, according to reports from governments across the isthmus. Higher potential production and buoying coffee prices might be the jolt the region needs to kick off its recovery.

New smartphone app lets farmers crowdsource coffee fungus alerts

A new smart phone app could help warn coffee farmers in Costa Rica about an impending outbreak of the fungus roya, or other pests. Developed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, Satcafe crowdsources information from farmers across Central America to help avoid another region-wide coffee plague.

Costa Rica expects 7 percent higher yields in next coffee harvest

The Costa Rican Coffee Institute (ICAFÉ) on Tuesday said current estimates indicate the 2014-2015 coffee harvest will be better than the previous season, due mostly to the implementation of better agricultural practices and actions to control rust fungus.

USAID to invest $5 million to combat coffee fungus epidemic in Central America

Central American countries have spent years battling the crippling coffee fungus known as roya or leaf rust. Now the U.S. Agency for International Development has decided to get involved in fighting the epidemic.

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