Libertarian Movement Party lawmaker and former presidential hopeful Otto Guevara has presented a bill to abolish Costa Rica's Department of Intelligence and Security, and President Luis Guillermo Solís' pick to head the agency has drawn criticism.
After a disappointing finish in the first round of the Costa Rican national elections by the National Liberation Party, and the surprise victory of Luis Guillermo Solís, there is much to keep PLN presidential candidate Johnny Araya tossing and turning in his bed.
Costa Rica's Supreme Elections Tribunal began releasing preliminary results in the country's presidential and legislative elections soon after 8 p.m. By 9 p.m. supporters of Citizen Action Party (PAC) candidate Luis Guillermo Solís had reason to celebrate, as the candidate who placed third or fourth in most of the country's polls showed a strong showing in the actual vote, moving into first place.
CAÑAS, Guanacaste – In the strong wind and baking Guanacaste sun, voters in this northwestern province headed to the polls peacefully Sunday morning, but expressed doubt that the change they needed in their everyday lives would come with a new administration.
Six of Costa Rica’s 13 presidential candidates appeared at Costa Rica’s evangelical television station Enlace today for a blessing from one of the network’s pastors.