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indigenous people

Talks planned to end 100-year Guatemala indigenous dispute

Hundreds of indigenous people lifted their blockage of a major road in Guatemala on Tuesday after an agreement was reached for talks to resolve...

Panama’s indigenous people compete to preserve traditional way of life

Climaco Dogirama wanted to honor his grandfather when he took part in the spear-throwing competition at Panama's Indigenous Ancestral Games, which seek to preserve...

The Boruca Indigenous Tribe of Costa Rica

With just over 2,000 members, the Boruca Tribe is one of Costa Rica's eight remaining indigenous tribes in the country and are often most...

The Bribri Indigenous Culture of Costa Rica

The world knows Costa Rica as a destination of breathtaking landscapes from the haunting cloud forests to the lush jungle rainforests, tropical beaches to...

Weekly commute by canoe for Panama teacher to reach off-grid village kids

Once a week, teacher Graciela Bouche takes a canoe from her small town in the Panama rainforest to an indigenous village.

Pre-Columbian tombs halt construction on Route 1 highway

An archaeological evaluation prior to the expansion of the main highway in Costa Rica revealed the presence of four pre-Columbian tombs, clay pots and...

National Costa Rican Indigenous Day

Within the list of days’ anniversaries in Costa Rica, April 19th, is maybe least interesting day of commemorating, of making remembrance and of celebration....

Another indigenous man killed in Costa Rica’s southern zone

This new crime against the life of an indigenous leader comes less than a year after the murder of Sergio Rojas, a Bribrí leader from the territory of Salitre, in a crime which remains unsolved.

Some progress, and a complicated legacy, 10 months after Sergio Rojas’s murder

After the murder of Sergio Rojas, the struggle to regain indigenous land has continued.

Guatemalan indigenous people march in support of Evo Morales

Protesters marched down one of Guatemala City's main streets to the US embassy, which was guarded by a large police presence.

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