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indigenous people

Costa Rica celebrates Cultures Day

The Costa Rican legislature changed Oct. 12 from Day of Discovery and Race to Cultures Day in 1994 to recognize the diverse backgrounds and contributions of the nation's people.

New Costa Rican law recognizes nationality for indigenous populations

The lack of nationality has been a historical obstacle preventing indigenous people living on Costa Rica’s borders access to basic services such as healthcare, education and social assistance benefits.

Costa Rican indigenous women to learn about solar power in India

The Costa Rican women were awarded scholarships from the Government of India to enroll in Barefoot College Institute’s Solar Lighting program in Rajasthan for six months.

Human rights commission ruling gives hope for Costa Rica indigenous autonomy

Costa Rican indigenous leaders hope the long-delayed Indigenous Autonomy Bill might finally get a hearing in the Legislative Assembly as result of April’s Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ruling ordering the government to take precautionary measures to protect indigenous groups in the Salitre Indigenous Reserve in southwestern Costa Rica.

Cultures Day: Costa Rica’s Take on Columbus Day

The Costa Rican legislature changed Oct. 12 from Day of Discovery and Race to Cultures Day in 1994 to recognize the diverse backgrounds and contributions of the nation's people.

What should countries do about the Amazon’s ‘uncontacted’ tribes?

The Mashco-Piro of Peru have turned up repeatedly along river banks in the Madre de Dios region, begging for food from boat travelers. Their brazen appearances with bows and arrows have sown panic in some remote settlements, and they have ransacked others — making off with pans, clothing, machetes, even the occasional rifle, which they do not know how to use.

Guatemalan rapper sued for racist Twitter post about country’s genocide

Mr. Fer was sued Monday before Guatemala's special prosecutor's office on discrimination and racism after he posted a joke on Twitter about the genocide suffered by indigenous people here in the 1980s.

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