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Flamingo Marina

President of Costa Rica attends inauguration of Flamingo Marina

The President of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Chaves, attended the inauguration of Flamingo Marina, in Guanacaste. Chaves and his team were in the province of Guanacaste...

Costa Rica rolls out the welcome mat to the yachting world

One of the most spectacular ways to see Costa Rica is from the water.

Coast Guard rescues eight U.S. citizens from stranded boat

The Coast Guard prevented a tour boat with 10 occupants from colliding with rocks in Costa Rica’s North Pacific, authorities reported over the weekend. 

Flamingo Marina: Happy ending expected to a long tale of woe

FLAMINGO, Guanacaste — If it weren’t for bad luck, the Flamingo Marina would have no luck at all. It was “the first full-service marina in...

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