With condominium prices in the Miami real estate market climbing to $50 million or more, broker Peggy Fucci has taken up ever more aggressive marketing efforts to find qualified buyers.
Following the Fed interest rates decision to keep them at historic lows, there is no shortage of reaction from analysts and economists across Wall Street. Here's a quick look at what they think about the Fed standing pat.
Currently some 952,000 workers in Costa Rica are exempt from the income tax but that figure likely would decrease if the Finance Ministry approves lower income brackets used to calculate taxes.
This week, the U.S. Justice Department issued a memorandum urging prosecutors to put corporate leaders in the financial sector and other industries in the dock for any criminal wrongdoing.
Standard & Poor's decision to demote Brazil's debt to junk status on Sept. 9 hit the country's political class right where it should have -- square in the gut.
Colombia maintains that since the border crisis started, 14,000 Colombians living in Venezuela had been displaced including at least 1,443 Venezuela deported. The rest fled in fear, often with just a backpack or the clothes on their backs.
"We have signed a special program for a $5 billion loan to progressively increase oil production in the coming months," Nicolás Maduro said on state television Tuesday night in a broadcast from China, where he is on a visit seeking support for Venezuela's sinking economy.
Officials used words like “crisis” and “precarious” to describe the country’s fiscal situation after years of legislative gridlock that have been unable to rein in Costa Rica’s deficit, despite several downgrades from international ratings agencies.
President Luis Guillermo Solís' proposed 2016 budget is 0.5 percent greater than the ₡7.9 trillion ($14.5 billion) 2015 budget, the largest ever in Costa Rican history.