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Protecting Costa Rica’s Biodiversity: It’s a bug’s life

Insect populations account for 85% of all animals that live in the Osa Peninsula.

Apply now: CRUSA offering full-ride scholarships to US colleges

The scholarship covers tuition, books and other classroom materials, health insurance and living expenses.

Costa Rica’s Corcovado Foundation a finalist for international funding

EOCA selected the Corcovado Foundation for its proposal to reduce plastic waste in Costa Rica’s Osa Peninsula.

This week in the Peace Corps: Sports for youth development

Some rural communities struggle with lack of resources and recreational activities. In my personal experience, the majority of the people in my community play soccer and ride their bikes.

Volunteer firefighters in Costa Rica mobilize to protect Nosara from wildfires

Families and businesses in Nosara have been forced to evacuate, and Bomberos de Nosara continues to request volunteer support to fight the fires.

This week in the Peace Corps: A volunteer’s time in Talamanca

It’s interesting when people ask me what’s it like living in an indigenous territory.

This week in the Peace Corps: Mural project opens doors to the explore the world

Peace Corps Volunteers across the globe often look to incorporate a world map mural project in their community.

This week in the Peace Corps: Camp GLOW empowering young women worldwide

GLOW stands for "Girls Leading Our World," and, according to Peace Corps, it has been a program led by volunteers for more than 20 years. 

Costa Rican communities fighting against climate change

Twelve municipalities that have taken measures and important steps to implement mitigation and adaptation to climate change, in order to become sustainable and walkable cities.

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