Costa Rica’s Rio Tarcoles is most well known for what resides within its waters. Attracting eager onlookers year-round, many hope to catch an exciting...
The winner of the Sloth Ironman Games 2018 is determined. The Toucan Rescue Ranch has gathered almost $3,000 in the process to prepare these little slothletes for their big day of release into the wild.
Environment officials conducted a physical evaluation of the sea lions and then released them offshore after looking for currents that could carry them back home.
At the Refugio Herpetológico animal sanctuary in Santa Ana, the wards often have heart-breaking histories, but occasionally they are successfully released.
The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) reported that in the past 24 months invested ₡250 million ($460,000) in wildlife protection measures mostly to avoid animals from dying by electrical discharges when trying to cross using power lines.
Costa Rica's Health Ministry recently ordered San José city officials to come up with a plan to control the urban pigeon population. The birds are becoming a health hazard.
Only 2.5 millimeters long, the tiny Pseudapanteles luisguillermosolisi is a type of parasitoid wasp that injects its eggs into a small moth caterpillar. The wasp larva then eats the insides of the host, thereby killing it a few weeks later. The larva then burrows out through the caterpillar skin and spins a distinctive small white cocoon outside, from which the new wasp emerges about two weeks later to repeat the cycle.
Only non-toxic, organic and edible paint is provided for the feline artists. The animals are able to counteract the stress of confinement through their art.