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Tico Times

37013 POSTS

U.S. Pedophile Suspect Faces Trial Here

SUSPECTED pedophile ArthurKanev is expected to become the firstU.S. citizen extradited to Costa Rica toface a criminal trial, after a U.S. federaljudge in Florida...

Beloved Herbalist Mourned

FRIENDS throughout the world aremourning the death of Patricia Riley, whoalong with her husband Tommy Thomasowned the Ark Herb Farm in the hillsabove Heredia....

Farmers Seek Church’s Help in Land Dispute

APPROXIMATELY 100 NorthernZone campesinos have been camping outat the Metropolitan Cathedral in downtownSan José since Sunday with the hopeof gaining permanent rights to a...

Suspected Members of Heroin Ring Busted

COSTA Rican Drug Control Police(PCD) agents on Tuesday morning arrestedseven suspects they believe are part of aninternational network of drug traffickersmoving heroin to the...

San José Moves Toward Sustainability

THEY’LL start by putting parkingmeters along the city’s streets. Then a newstorm water drainage system will be builtthroughout the capital.In the end, if everything...

UCR Elects First Female Rector

YAMILETH González was namedthe first woman rector of the Universityof Costa Rica in its 64-year history lastFriday, after a decisive victory over theother three...

Shopping Mall Ordered to Designate Smoking Areas

THE Ministry of Health has taken thefirst steps in what at least one man hopeswill become a countrywide policy when itordered the Centro Comercial...

U.S. Donation Helps Fight Drug Trafficking

PEÑAS BLANCAS, Guanacaste –The U.S. government is hoping to restrictthe flow north of drugs and illegal firearmsfrom South America by cutting them off atCosta...

Second Massive Fish Kill Prompts Investigation

A massive fish kill in the San CarlosRiver last weekend has prompted aninvestigation by the Judicial InvestigativePolice (OIJ) and the Prosecutor forEnvironmental Crimes to...

Rainbow Gathering Ends With Thanks

THE One World Rainbow Gathering,a peaceful congregation in the SouthernZone of more than 700 people fromaround the world between March andApril, has ended, and...

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