THE Costa Rican Agronomists’Association is asking the government takeurgent measures to save the country’sagricultural sector from a potential crisisthat could wipe out many farmers.Association...
SINCE 2001, the Costa RicanElectricity Institute’s Engineers andProfessionals Union (SIICE) has receivedfunding from at least 20 private firms thathave participated in bidding processes tosupply...
TEGUCIGALPA – At least 103 prisoners,mostly young gang members of theinfamous Mara Salvatrucha (MS), diedearly Monday morning of asphyxiation orburn wounds from a fire...
SAN SALVADOR (AFP) –Theopposition left-wing Farabundo MartíNational Liberation Front (FMLN)announced this week that none of itsmembers, including 31 lawmakers, willattend the June 1 swearing-in...
HUNDREDS of Lenca Indians blocked the northbound highway connecting the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula on Tuesday to protest deforestation by...
MORE than 400 concerned residents of Escazú, southwest of San José, have signed a petition asking the local government to stop issuing construction permits...
ALEXANDER Skutch, a renowned ornithologist who authored 27 books about birds in Central America, passed away peacefully in his home in the Southern Zone...
NEGOTIATORS in Washington, D.C., concluded the legal revision and official translation of the proposed Central America Free-Trade Agreement (CAFTA) with the United States last...