EXCESSIVE rains last week promptedthe motocross competition set for May 22 inEscazú, southwest of San José, to berescheduled to May 29 and June 5.In...
IN its latest production, the Little Theater Groupbrings together a talented ensemble cast in Jane Martin’s“Talking With…”The play is actually a collection of 11...
CRUSHED Fanta bottles and last year’s phone books havespawned small businesses in communities around Costa Rica.Though Ticos generally did not grow up with cartoon...
PLAYA DOMINICAL, Puntarenas– Like the tides that ebb and flow alongthe Pacific coast, restaurants come and goat Playa Dominical, on the southernPacific coast. Drawn...
PLAYA DOMINICAL, Puntarenas– While the wilds of Costa Rica beckon toadventurers happy to rough it, it’s temptingto indulge in a more civilized way ofenjoying...
IF stances on gay marriage, abortion, privatizingSocial Security, school vouchers and U.S. involvementin Iraq aren’t enough to inspire U.S. citizens to vote,maybe the polls...
THE scandal whipped up by an undercover journalisminvestigation into the off-the-boat, in-the-hotelactivities of a group of sports fishermen from theUnited States has prompted the...
A decade of cleavage and sultry glances may havecome to a close this week after Judge Christiana Vargas,accompanied by police officers, on Wednesday closed...
GRANADA, Nicaragua – TheNicaraguan Energy Institute this weekgave transnational oil company TexacoCaribbean Inc. a Thursday-afternoon deadlineto pay a 100,000-córdoba fine($6,330) for environmental damagescaused by...
LAS TUNAS, MATAGALPA, Nicaragua– The embankment along the highwaythat runs through this northern agriculturaldepartment resembles a wartimerefugee camp. Entire families of starvingcampesinos swelter beneath...