UNIONS from a number of sectors arecalling workers to the streets Monday for anationwide work stoppage and protestmarch through San José against the CentralAmerican...
WITHOUT any government supervision,during six years the government ofTaiwan sent to a private Costa Rican association$4.8 million to channel to theCosta Rican Foreign Ministry,...
REPRESENTATIVES of the ministriesof Education, Health and PublicSecurity have announced the developmentof a new program aimed at preventingviolence in schools.“Safe Schools, Safe Communities” isin...
PRESIDENT Abel Pacheco this weekcalled the successful extradition of suspectedpedophile Arthur Kanev from theUnited States “proof justice is served inCosta Rica.”Pacheco made the comment...
A concerted, international effort tostamp out sexual exploitation of childrencame to a head in San José at the follow-upmeeting to the Second World Congressagainst...
MORE than 500 tourism businessesparticipated in the 20th annual TourismNegotiation Exchange (EXPOTUR),which went off without a hitch this week inSan José.Participants displayed their wares...
THE trade ministers of Costa Rica, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Honduras andNicaragua and U.S. Trade RepresentativeRobert Zoellick are scheduled to sign theCentral American Free-Trade Agreement(CAFTA) with...
PENSIONS Superintendent JavierCascante is urging people with retirementplans to be prudent when making decisionsinvolving the money they have placed involuntary pension funds.“The affiliate must...
ALTERRA Partners, the consortiumthat holds a 20-year contract to remodeland operate Juan Santamaría Inter-nationalAirport, is preparing a proposal it sayswill make it possible for...