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Tico Times

37007 POSTS

Group Criticizes Presidential Decree

THE Costa Rican Federation forConservation of the Environment(FECON) sharply criticized the CostaRican government this week for allowinga presidential decree that regulates thefelling of trees...

Firm Linked to Purchase of Official’s Home

A Panamanian company presided overby Corporación Fischel’s president, WalterReiche, paid for a house being rented athalf price by the former executive directorof Costa Rica’s...

Former U.S. Official Defends Rights

HEFTING an array of legal successesand spurred social movements under hisbelt, former U.S. Attorney GeneralRamsey Clark commands attention whenhe disparages U.S. foreign policy.He granted...

Human Rights Court to Rule on C.R. Press Case

FOR the first time in the 25-year historyof the San José-based Inter-AmericanCourt of Human Rights, it will judge thegovernment of Costa Rica.Earlier this month,...

Dalai Lama To Visit Region

THE exiled spiritual leader of Tibet,the Dalai Lama, is slated to visit CentralAmerica and Mexico later this year.Sharing a message of peace and unity,the...

Campesinos Camped in Church: Fight Goes On

THE campesinos of Bambuzal areused to a tough fight. When they first startedsquatting on the northern zone farmthey contend is now theirs, they spent...

Human Rights Court Reviews Berenson Case

NINE years in Peruvian prisons haveyielded U.S. citizen Lori Berenson theopportunity for representation in a casebefore the Inter-American Court of HumanRights in San José.Decrying...

Suspected Pedophile Arrives in Costa Rica

SUSPECTED pedophile ArthurKanev arrived at Juan SantamaríaInternational Airport yesterday andbecame the first U.S. citizen to be extraditedto Costa Rica to face trial here.Kanev will...

Trust Buys Old Building

IMPROSA Financial Group’s GibraltarReal Estate Investment Trust bought apiece of downtown San José historyrecently when it acquired Edificio Knöhr eHijos – a 90-year-old building...

Expropriation Issues Delay Caldera Road

DIFFICULTIES conducting landexpropriations are delaying constructionof the long-awaited highway connectingthe western San José suburb of CiudadColón to the Pacific shipping port ofCaldera.Work on the...

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