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Tico Times

37012 POSTS

U.S. Man Found Guilty Of Slaying Honduran Wife

TEGUCIGALPA (AFP) – LongIsland native Andrew Stephen Gole, 47,last Friday was found guilty in a criminalcourt of killing and dismembering his 25-year-old Honduran wife,...

Nike Heir Drowns In El Salvador

SAN SALVADOR – El Salvador’sregional prosecutor’s office in Soyapangolast week opened an investigation into thedeath of Matthew Hatfield Knight, theeldest son of Nike co-founder...

Guatemala Will Sign Free-Trade Pact with Chile

GUATEMALA CITY (AFP) –Guatemala and Chile expect to sign abilateral free-trade agreement by nextweek at the latest, announced GuatemalanPresident Oscar Berger on Monday, followinga...

Unsolicited Insurance House Calls Possible Scam

A FEW daysago I received amessage from aclient who has ahome, fire and naturaldisaster policyto cover his house.He was concernedbecause he hadreceived a visitfrom...

Nica-Tico Soldier Ordered to Year in Prison

GRANADA, Nicaragua – Empoweredby the example of peace set by U.S.Staff Sgt. Camilo Mejía, family and friendsof the recently convicted Nicaraguan-bornsoldier this week pledged...

Panama Deports 3 Israeli Pranksters

THREE of six Israeli men detained inPanama last week for carrying toy gunson a Copa Airlines flight were deportedon Saturday to Colombia – the...

Police in Nicaragua March for Non-Violence

PRESIDENT Enrique Bolaños joinedmore than 5,000 police officers fromaround the country Monday in a marchthat occurred simultaneously in severalcities as a call for calm...

Honduran Beauty Queen Sentenced for Slander

MISS Honduras 2002, ErickaRamírez, last week was found guilty ofslandering Honduran pageant directorEduardo Zablah and sentenced to housearrest in the north-coast town of LaCeiba,...

Recycle, Reuse, San Ramón Style

READ this paper long enough and youknow all too well that Costa Rica faces amountain of problems. But one organizationin the northwestern Central Valley...

Bullring Brings Tradition to Beach

TAMARINDO BEACH, Guanacaste– With an international reputation for ecologicaltourism, many flock to Costa Ricato partake in its natural wonders. Yet, thelesser known cultural treasures...

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