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Tico Times

37015 POSTS

Judge Suspends Nine Caja Officials

LAW enforcement officials made severalmoves this week in an attempt to getto the bottom of a scandal that hasenveloped the Costa Rican Social SecuritySystem...

Legislative Assembly Names New Comptroller General

AFTER a month and a half of negotiations,on Wednesday the LegislativeAssembly elected Álex Solís, a lawyerspecialized in Constitutional law, as thecountry’s new Comptroller General.Solís...

Man Attacked Over Turtle Eggs

TWO strangers with a macheteattacked a man last week after he confrontedthem about stealing turtle eggs in Barrade Matina, about 25 kilometers north of...

Former Labor Minister Announces Presidential Bid

FORMER Labor Minister VíctorMorales (1998-2002) on Wednesdayannounced his intention to run forPresident during the 2006 Presidentialelections as a candidate of the rulingSocial Christian Unity...

Taiwan’s Vice-President Visits Pacheco

TAIWANESE Vice-President Dr. AnnetteHsiu-lien Lu is in Costa Rica this weekwith high-ranking officials from her governmentto “strengthen the traditional bonds offriendship and cooperation that...

Opponents Say CAFTA Will Harm Environment

AS the Central America Free-TradeAgreement (CAFTA) heads toward thelegislative bodies of the involved countries,environmentalists studying its potentialimpact insist it poses a threat to theregion’s...

More than 10,000 March against Trade Pact

WITH demands to keep Costa Ricaout of the hands of the “imperialist” UnitedStates, an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 protestorsflooded San José streets Mondaywith banners,...

Golfito English Center Honors Graduates

GOLFITO, Puntarenas – Three yearsafter the brutal murder of U.S. college studentShannon Martin in this jungle porttown on the Golfo Dulce, in the SouthernZone,...

Ex-Minister of Justice Launches New Party

FORMER Justice Minister JoséMiguel Villalobos on Saturday named hisnew political party the DemocraticNational Alliance (ADN).The party plans to provide disenfranchisedvoters with an alternative duringthe...

Paroled Tico Comes Home

WELCOME HOME: Ronny Zamora, a Costa Rican who was paroledTuesday in the United States after serving 27 years in a Florida prison,was met by...

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