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Tico Times

37013 POSTS

Tourism Fair Generates $110 Million in Deals

AGREEMENTS and contractsbetween tourism providers and wholesalers– travel agents who prepare packagedeals – during the 20th annualTourism Negotiation Exchange (EXPOTUR),which concluded last week, surpassed$110...

New Lodging Offered Outside Corcovado Park

BRINGING luxury to the wilderness,the Villa Corcovado hotel opened itsdoors last month on the Osa Peninsula.The hotel’s owners are attempting toattract travelers lured to...

Fair Promotes Southern-Zone Tourism

WITH the goal of promoting theuntamed natural wonders of the country’sSouthern Zone, the Osa Chamber ofTourism (CATUOSA) will hold its eighthannual EXPO-OSA Tourism Exchange...

German Company Promotes Women’s Health

WITH 600 new cases of uterine cancera year in Costa Rica, 50% of all pregnanciesin Latin America unplanned, and less thanhalf of Latin American...

Canadian Club: From Maple Leaves to Palm Trees

UNTIL recently, to become a memberof the Asociación Canadiense de CostaRica, affectionately known as the CanadianClub, one had to come from somewherebetween the shores...

Pacific Marine Science Station Changes Hands

PUNTA MORALES, Puntarenas – After sixyears under the administration of the UniversidadNacional (UNA), the National Station for the MarineSciences (ECMAR) was officially made part...

Beach Hotel Gives Back to the Community

ISLITA, Guanacaste – Parents inthe town of Islita, on the Pacific side ofthe Nicoya Peninsula, have one less thingto worry about each morning as...

Swing Dancing: Creole, Costa Rican style

JUST outside of Costa Rica’s busy capital, in a small andscantly lit nightclub on Guadalupe’s main road northeast of SanJosé, some of the country’s...

Date Changes for Fourth of July Celebrations

ONLY one major change marks this year’s U.S.Independence Day celebration in Costa Rica – it won’t beheld on the Fourth of July.The celebration, normally...

Research Organization Celebrates New Home

FORTY years, $1.2 million and 29,500square feet – this is what it took to make adream of the Organization for TropicalStudies (OTS) come true....

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