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Ileana Fernandez


Costa Rica Seeks to Tax Cryptocurrency Purchases and Gross sales

On Monday March 21st, 2022, The Ministry of Finance submitted their proposal in La Gaceta, Costa Rica’s official newspaper for government affairs. Now, the...

Cameras in Costa Rica show endangered animal species roaming private wildlife refuges

A technology system consisting on hidden cameras or “trap cameras,” is being used by wildlife refuges in Costa Rica. Privately managed wildlife refuges help...

Costa Rica to Build a Wastewater Collection & Treatment System

With the objective of boosting tourism and improve the living conditions of its inhabitants, the CReW+ project promotes the development of a sanitation project...

Zac Efron is visiting Costa Rica

Zac Efron, the US actor, was spotted enjoying his vacations in Costa Rica. The Directorate of Migration confirmed the movie star entered the country...

Travel + Leisure awards Costa Rica’s Cayuga hotel group for its impact on more sustainable travel

Cayuga Collection, a Costa Rican sustainable luxury hotel management firm, received an exclusive award from Travel + Leisure, a prestigious travel magazine based in...

Coldplay opens in front of 40,000 people in Costa Rica

Costa Rica was the starting point of the Music of the Spheres World Tour, before an euphoric crowd of 40,000 people at the National...

Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated in Costa Rica this year

There is nothing like the Thanksgiving celebration for every US and Canadian household. It is a day filled with unbelievable food, the warm company...

The Costa Rica Strategy to Reduce Greenhouse Gas in Farming

Costa Rica has approximately 1.6 million head of cattle, according to The National Institute of Statistics and Census’ (INEC) latest National Agricultural Survey. This...

Nya Costa Rica: A Mixed Real Estate Project Launches in Guanacaste

Nya means tree in the Chorotega language. This indigenous language was spoken by the Chorotega tribe, that lived in Guanacaste. The name reflects the...

Costa Rica’s First Underwater Museum

Costa Rica’s efforts to protect the environment and develop sustainable and ecological tourist attractions, have led many businesses to come up with creative and...

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