THE Girl and Boy Scouts’ Group 50of Liberia, in the northwestern provinceof Guanacaste, will host the 3rd AnnualInternational Independence Festival onJuly 4.The festival will feature food, adultand children’s activities, fireworks,music, and traditional dancing by theChapernal Troupe.For kids, there will be carnivalgames, crafts, face painting, and a clowncreating balloon designs.Adults can enjoy a horseshoe tournament,volleyball and golf games.Some activities provide the chance towin dinner for two or hotel accommodations.LOCAL businesses are offeringpizza, German food and pastries, hamburgers,hot dogs, and ice cream.The ¢1,000 ($1.30) entrance fee willsupport Group 50.The event will be held 750 meterswest of the Langostino Farm on the roadto Playas del Coco.For more info, contact Laura Hahn at667-0667.
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