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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Costa Rica Drops in World Press Freedom Index 2024

Costa Rica moved from 23rd to 26th place this year in the annual report published by the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

The World Press Freedom Index analyzes the situation in 180 countries and provides key insights. “Press freedom around the world is being threatened by the very people who should be its guarantors – political authorities.

This finding is based on the fact that, of the five indicators used to compile the ranking, it is the political indicator that has fallen most, registering a global average fall of 7.6 points,” RSF highlighted.

In general, Costa Rica is described as a solid democracy, known for encouraging pluralism and respecting civil rights, as well as a safe place for journalists, as they “don’t face threats to their physical safety or imprisonment, nor are they monitored.”

The nation’s legal framework and citizens acknowledge the importance of press freedom and freedom of speech. Costa Rica has welcomed journalists from other Latin American nations, where violence tends to be more common among reporters and media. “The country is a refuge for persecuted citizens from other countries, including, in recent years, Nicaraguan journalists,” RSF’s report pointed out.

The study also mentioned that the country is an “exception” in Latin America, as “freedom of the press and freedom of expression are two highly respected principles.” However, the organization underscored the government’s verbal attacks against journalists and certain media outlets back in 2022.

“The government subjected some media outlets and journalists to verbal attacks, and some state entities refused to provide media outlets with public interest information,” they added.

In a broader context, RSF found out there is a growing number of governments and politicians who are failing to grant “the best possible environment for journalism” and “the public’s right to reliable, independent, and diverse news and information.” They also showed autonomy is declining, and both journalists and media outlets are facing more pressure from different political sectors.

The World Press Freedom Index revealed that, in 2024, only a quarter of the world countries have satisfactory conditions for practicing journalism.

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