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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Achimenes: A Tropical Houseplant with Velvety Flowers

Houseplants are always a popular topic for Costa Rica gardeners, and for many homeowners, indoor plants are as important as pets. In the tropics, we have a dazzling selection of indoor plants to choose from to adorn our dwellings.

One in particular stands out in my mind as worth mentioning: achimenes (a-KIM-ee-neez). Achimenes spp. belongs to the family Gesneriaceae, along with gloxinia, cape primrose, and episcia. In Costa Rican nurseries, it is correctly called achimenes, but many refer to it incorrectly as gloxinia.

The form and beauty of an achimenes flower in bloom is lovely to see. The trumpet-like flowers have a soft, velvet-like appearance, in colors that range from tones of red and violet to white varieties with speckles of dark violet in the throat of the flower. The round, downy leaves are variable as opposite or whorled and grow in a low, compact form, which makes them ideal as potted plants for window boxes and porches.

Since they thrive best in shaded areas, achimenes are perfect for corners around the home or as a centerpiece for a desk, table, or stand. Leading nurseries around the country offer achimenes plants, or you may find a friendly neighbor who is willing to share “un hijo” or vegetative shoot that arises from the rhizome of the mother plant.

Start your new shoot in a pot with aged compost that is rich in fibrous material or mixed with sand to promote good drainage. Because soil nematodes often attack the tender rhizomes, you can sterilize the potting mix by cooking it in an old, discarded kitchen pot until it steams.

Keep your new plant in a shady area and water frequently. As new leaves develop, move it to an area with partial shade. Plants exposed to full sun tend to suffer from scorched leaves and dehydration.

We’ve found that achimenes plants thrive with a monthly application of compost tea or seaweed extract. You can spray the leaves or apply the liquid to the soil. Occasional foliar spraying with citrus-seed-oil extract is useful for combating leaf and root diseases, while insecticidal soap solutions can be used to control mites and mealy bugs.

With proper care, achimenes plants can provide you with months of colorful blooms. So if you’re looking for a tropical houseplant that is both beautiful and easy to care for, achimenes is a great choice.

Here are some additional tips for growing achimenes:

  • Fertilize your plant every month with a balanced fertilizer.
  • Water your plant deeply, but allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Keep your plant in a cool, shady location.
  • Bring your plant indoors during the winter months.

With proper care, your achimenes plant will thrive for many years to come.

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