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HomeCosta RicaNeed Emotional Support? Health Department has a 9-1-1 Support Hotline

Need Emotional Support? Health Department has a 9-1-1 Support Hotline

Valentines Day is fast approaching and a fair number of people in Costa Rica are dealing with feelings and emotions that come from complexities in their family and other personal relationships. They could also be suffering due to a recent breakup or even loss of a loved one.

With this in mind, the ministry of health would like to remind everyone of the of their free emotional support hotline which can be found by calling 9-1-1

By dialing the 9-1-1 line, you will have access to emotional support provided by professionals in psychology, who can assist you 24/7, at no cost and even without the need of a dedicated mobile line.

“During the month of February, the number of calls related to emotional needs generated by relationships, cohabitation and the absence of a loved one increases. There are many people who live or coexist in abusive relationships, miss a loved one who is no longer there or feel frustrated because their loved ones do not accept their partner.

That is why we want to tell them that what they feel is not unique to them, it is valid and we want to offer them support by calling 9-1-1, where they will find a safe space” indicated Sinaí Valverde, technical and operational supervisor of this psychological support office.

How can I know if who I am living with is affecting me emotionally?

  • When I am not allowed to express what I feel or I hide when I feel bad.
  • When everything revolves around the other person, not allowing me to be myself.
  • When the other person in the relationship keeps me away from people I love (family and friends).
  • When I am not allowed to have my own goals.
  • When there is always mistrust and I am made to feel guilty.
  • When there is disrespect, physical, psychological or sexual aggression.
  • When I lose my freedom and my privacy is not respected.
  • When I look for excuses not to be in the place of coexistence.
  • When I maintain my relationship out of guilt or fear.

According to the ministry of health, in 2021, 1833 calls came in from people having some type of anxious or depressive symptomatology linked to relational problems of living together.

So far this year 2022, as of February 8, 2022, 133 have come in from people with depression and 201 from people with anxious episodes as a result of cohabitation have been helped

If you feel you could use some help, everyone does every once in a while, don’t think you are alone: In 2021, the hotline received 1833 calls from people having some type anxious or depressive symptomatology linked to relational problems of cohabitation.

And so far this year, as of February 8, 2022, 133 people have been helped that called with symptoms of depression and 201 people with anxious episodes as a result of cohabitational relationships .

If you feel you need assistance, don’t feel awkward or afraid, take advantage of this free service that can help you during your time of need.

Currently, the psychological assistance provided through 9-1-1 is financed thanks to the financial support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, managed through the non-governmental organization Hivos Costa Rica.

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