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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Post 10 Invites Veterans To Upcoming Events

The revitalized American Legion Costa Rica Post 10 in the western San José suburb of Escazú will hold its next meeting May 6 at noon at the Bello Horizonte Country Club. Guest speaker Dr. Carlos Luis Alpízar, a specialist in internal and geriatric medicine, will give recommendations for preventing some of the medical problems of mature men. A social hour with a traditional Costa Rican lunch, available for purchase, will be held at the conclusion of the meeting.

The post, under Cmdr. Chuck Turner, holds its regular meetings at noon the first Wednesday of every month. All U.S. military veterans are invited to attend. Former Legionnaires whose membership has lapsed or Legionnaires who live in Costa Rica and can no longer attend their home post meetings, as well as veterans who are not Legionnaires, are invited to join Post 10. The post has an experienced service officer who has worked with more than 250 veterans, assisting them in obtaining military and disability pensions.

Post 10 will also hold a Memorial Day ceremony May 30 at 11 a.m., at its mausoleums in the San Antonio de Escazú cemetery, where six U.S. military veterans are buried. The ceremony is open to the public. There will be a Post Everlasting ceremony to honor the memory of those Legionnaires who died in Costa Rica since last Memorial Day. The post will also honor all other U.S. military veterans who died in Costa Rica this past year. The mausoleums will be decorated with U.S. flags and a recording of taps will be played. Following the ceremony, a buffet lunch will be available for purchase at Rosti-Pollos restaurant in San Rafael de Escazú.

Chartered in 1957, Post 10 was the first American Legion Post in Costa Rica. It has been revitalized recently with the addition of more than 35 new members. The post helps support Casa Nuestra Señora del Refugio and the Red Cross in Escazú, and the Salvation Army in San José.

For information or directions, call Chuck at 2288-6014, Mel Goldberg at 2288-0454 or John Moran at 2232-1680.

–Mel Goldberg



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