FOR the first time ever in LatinAmerica, reggae artists from aroundthe world will come together and performa tribute concert to a Rastafarianlegend as Bob Marley Fest comes tothe Polideportivo Monserrat in Alajuela,northwest of San José, Dec. 11.The festival will feature therenowned reggae artist’s son, Ky-maniMarley, and his band, Uprising Eight;United States reggae star JohnnyDread; Latino reggae pioneer FidelNadal of Argentina; as well as TheTrinity Roots Band and Bamaselo.Similar tributes to Bob Marleyhave taken place worldwide, fromBoston to Ethiopia.Tickets start at ¢5,000-7,000($10.20-14.25) for general and preferredadmission, respectively. There isalso a special option to purchase $100VIP tickets, which include backstageaccess to hang out and share free foodand drinks with the artists.Tickets can be purchased at RastaStore in downtown San José. Theshow will run from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.For more information, visit or call 817-9053.
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