MANAGUA (AFP) – Exasperatedafter having his car broken into on countlessoccasions in the capital, Nicaraguanfruit vendor Ismael Solís has employed acreative new method of protecting hisvehicle: putting a two-meter-long boaconstrictor in the driver’s seat.While Solís sells chiltomas (sweetpeppers) in the downtown market, the serpentslithers through his car, waiting tosurprise potential thieves.“I have had the snake for threemonths. Her name is Sirena, and when athief sees her inside the car they getscared and quickly close the door,” Solíssaid, adding that the boa has been a lotmore effective at guarding his car than theso-called wachiman, or person whowatches over cars for a couple córdobas.Solís said the snake is friendly withhis family, but will attack strangers.
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