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HomeArchiveLa Nación’s New Look Causes Distribution Delays

La Nación’s New Look Causes Distribution Delays

A major redesign for La Nación, oneof Costa Rica’s largest daily newspapers,proved to be a mixed blessing when itdebuted last weekend.While a new printing press gave the55-year-old publication a new look, providingreaders with plenty of changes toreview over their morning coffee onFriday, Feb. 11, there was nothing at allto look at over Saturday’s breakfast,because problems with the new presscaused delays in the paper’s distribution.In some areas, Saturday’s paper wasn’tdelivered until 4 p.m.Sunday’s edition included an apologyfrom La Nación’s management.“All change implies a risk,” said thestatement, accompanied by a cartoonshowing an annoyed customer and asprinting La Nación deliveryman. Thestatement explained that problems withthe software that controls the presscaused Saturday’s delay.On Monday, distribution again wasdelayed several hours in some areasbecause of equipment glitches.The massive, cutting-edge machinery wasinstalled in 2004 at La Nación’s offices inthe San José suburb of Tibás.The German-made KBA-Comet pressis four stories high and can print 75,000newspapers per hour, compared to 40,000per hour with the former press. ManuelJiménez, executive president of La Nación,said at the press’ inauguration Feb. 10 thatit was imported in 64 20-ton containers.The paper’s new layout features anew color palette, fancy graphics, differentfonts and two covers – the front fornews and the back for sports. The paperalso is about 2 inches longer than theprevious version.

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